Location: St. Louis, Missouri

I'm deaf in one ear. Which one it is largely depends on which side you're on, and whether I like you or not.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

On a Lighter Note...


I know most of my crew didn't necessarily get into the Warcraft storyline. To tell you the truth, I didn't either until I had to go without internet for over a month, and played through the WC3 campaigns to satisfy a craving for WoW. However, the Blood Elves' storyline has appealed to me, the thought of horrific beauty being a pretty powerful one. It is rather likely that I will be changing whatever alts I have of whatever classes can be Blood Elves into Blood Elves once I get my hands on the expansion.

Most interesting to me though, is that they're Horde, which seems to follow the logic that Garithos pissed off Kael something fierce, to the point that he was driven to join the Horde with Illidan temporarily out of the picture. Kael and his pals are somewhat lost, since they have an insatiable need for magic, and no one's feeding it to them. So they start capturing demons and draining them. In the meantime, they form an alliance with Thrall and the Horde, due to their hatred for the Humans from their Garithos days, and the Horde welcomes them, because they're offing demons left and right.

It all seems somewhat centered on a single plot point involving two characters, rather than racial biases and all, but it's feasible. At least more feasible than the "Illidan sends Kael to infiltrate the Horde" idea. Because if the players know about that, it becomes less of an interesting concept. Especially on RP servers. I mean, there's a definite reason on an RP server to hate Undead with a passion if you're playing Blood Elf, which could make for some interesting roleplaying, but how do you put aside the knowledge that the Blood Elves were sent to betray the Horde and roleplay normally there?

Some other comments:

I'm not sure I like the interdimensional thing, I never have been a fan of that particular plot style, but it has been a part of the Warcraft universe for some time, they're only just translating it into the MMORPG, so I guess I can suffer. The thought of flying mounts I disagree with, because it generates other control issues, 3D movement always does.

The level cap increase scares me to death, because I know how much more powerful the Shaman gets with just *one* more talent point, giving them 10 more seems ludicrous. Of course, they don't need to give talent points for those 10 levels, which seems like a possibility, but does present things as being rather dull.

The Caverns of Time strikes me as an excellent idea, from a plotline standpoint as well as the standpoint of creating interesting gameplay. It gives Blizzard an opportunity to recast various events that have already been represented, as well as allow the players to kill various important figures, without actually affecting the current storyline at all. It also provides opportunities for inter-faction cooperation, through scenes like the Battle of Hyjal, though it would still only involve one faction. But fighting side-by-side with NPC's of the other faction, particularly the big names like Thrall, is a pretty big nugget.

The Alliance race has generated speculation, most people claiming it will be Pandaren. I frankly think this would be a mistake. The presumed reason to introduce Blood Elves to the Horde is to provide a more personal race to that side, to attract more players to play Horde. As it is, there is no "human" type race for the Horde, so I can sort of see it. But if you then introduce Pandarens, which carry a huge fanboy following, you balance your own effects. Which leads to the question, how do you introduce these two races with the intent of increasing one side's player base without causing the other side to yawn?

I think it's more likely that the Draenei will be the new Alliance race, though that seems very awkward. One, their alliance with Illidan means that something could have happened to him which cast out both the Blood Elves and the Draenei, though why the Naga still act against everyone, I wouldn't know. Also, I don't know of a single human being who actually cares about the Draenei, so I don't know why they'd add them.

Naga as Alliance playable? Seems like a possibility, and would accomplish the two main goals: It would be less desirable by the fanbase than Blood Elves, drawing more players to Horde, but it would also not be completely crapped on by the fanbase, as quite a few people would want to play Naga. Problem is that the Naga are already in the game as mobs, whom anyone can kill. They even have their own instance, sorta. Granted, with the addition of Zul'Gurub, this isn't a huge weight against them, it is something, a similar problem with factioning Goblins and Ogres (both of which were neutral in Warcraft III as well).

More will be told after Blizzcon, some developer will let something slip that they probably shouldn't, I imagine, or more information will be given than was released in that Italian magazine. Hopefully, people won't blow things out of proportion.

Well, hopefully, but I fully expect them to...


Blogger Shocho said...

Evidently, the Blizzers didn't slip. In fact, I think they don't even know what the new Alliance race will be. I'm hoping to play a Sprite Darter.

What's the schedule for release? I heard May, I think.

4:50 AM  
Blogger Kindralas said...

Well, Blizzard's policy on release dates is "we'll let you know when we're gold," for the most part. They don't do what most companies do, in the sense that they don't give you an estimate and then miss it by 4 or 5 months. They let you know when they're sure of the release date.

But May sounds somewhat reasonable, given what I've heard, and knowing Blizzard.

6:10 AM  

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